Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Art of Small Talk

One of my new years resolutions for 2010 is to break out of my shell and become a more friendly and outgoing person. For the first time in my life I am sincerely all about networking, meeting new people, and expanding my sphere of influence. Not that I haven't been interested in these things before, but as I get older (I'll be 26 on Friday, Jan 8), I am starting to realize just how accurate the saying is "it's not what you know, but who you know".

In true goal setting style, I have come up with a list of steps I will take in order to reach my goal.
I will attend at least 2 networking events a month, go out of my way to speak to people in person instead of via email or phone, and make a deliberate effort to reconnect with long lost friends and family members. Once I came up with all these steps, however, I realized that I was lacking the one fundamental skill that would help me become successful in my task- the art of small talk.

Because im sure im not the only one who needs improvement in this area, Check out the tips below!
1. Small talk has the main purpose of making a connection. Make the other person feel as comfortable as possible. Keep things short and casual.
2. Be more interested than interesting. Pay attention to what the other person is saying and be sure to ask follow up questions. Your goal should be to ask, listen, and elaborate.
3. Keep up with current events and other neutral points of conversations. Consider it your goal to break any awkward silence. Remember that as uncomfortable as you may be making small talk, most likely the other person is uncomfortable too.

What are some other tips that have worked for you?

1 comment:

Ally Marie said...

Great Post! It's funny because I am not a shy person but at events I still find it challenging to figure out how to just approach a stranger to network. Some how some way I get the courage and I do it. I like your second tip on being more interested than interesting. I totally agree that the person you are speaking with needs to know that you are really paying attention to what they have to say.

About Alecia D.

Brooklyn, NY, United States
I am a Successful Lifestyle Consultant studying such philosophies as The Law of Attraction, Zen habits, and the Principles of Meditation and have been featured on Blacknews.com, HBCUConnect.com, and Ezine Articles as an expert author. I am interested in success- being successful and helping others be successful!