Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Top Six Mindless MONEY WASTERS!!

For 2010, you can just call me Ms. Tight Wad. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not usually one to hold on to money too closely. Although I am an avid saver, I have still been known in the past to splurge here and there and spend a bit excessively. One of my goals this year is to nip my bad spending habits in the bud once and for all!

Check out these GREAT tips from Yahoo Finance. Which of these money wasters is your biggest challenge?

1. Convenience Stores

2. Cell Phone Plans

3. Soft Drinks

4. Unnecessary Bank Fees

5. Magazines

6. Annual Credit Card Fees

Be Proactive

Spend a couple hours and go over the above categories along with any other regular habits you may have accumulated over the years. The time will be well spent as it could mean hundreds of dollars of recurring annual savings.

Read the full article here! Very eye opening..

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About Alecia D.

Brooklyn, NY, United States
I am a Successful Lifestyle Consultant studying such philosophies as The Law of Attraction, Zen habits, and the Principles of Meditation and have been featured on,, and Ezine Articles as an expert author. I am interested in success- being successful and helping others be successful!