Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Finding Your True Calling: Part II

Integrity - Be as true to yourself as you are to others, and as true to others as you are to yourself.
The biggest challenge most of us face is to meet our responsibilities to others while pursuing our passions at the same time.
When you make commitments to others, make sure those commitments are aligned with YOUR passions. Then you can fulfill both your passions and commitments to others in one stroke.
And when you make a commitment to yourself, treat it with the same respect as a commitment to anyone else.

The Importance of Keeping Your Word.

As human beings, there are really only a few things we can say we truly have 100% control over, our word is one of them. In today's society, intergrity is often under estimated, however, it is probably one of the most important attributes one can have. As a Young, Black, Rich woman you should always aim to be a woman of integrity. If others feel they can trust you, they will begin to ask more of you and more and more opportunities will begin to be attracted into your life. This not only means that we should strive to be reliable to others, but we should also be able to rely on ourselves. If you make a promise to yourself you should fight to remain committed to that promise. Believing in yourself is the only way that others will begin to believe in you.

Think of the most successful person you know. Would they be half as successful if they were perceived to be unreliable or untrustworthy? Probably not. Once we can begin to be honest with ourselves and with others, we will find ourselves more in line with our natural flow. Once in this state, it will only be a matter of time before we will begin to find ways to develop our purpose and work with our passions to create our own successes.

To Your Success,

Alecia D.


Sha Sha said...

Well said! Your word means everything. If you can't keep commitments and/or promises you only end up hurting yourself in the long run.

So think befor you commit to anything.

Jweezy said...

Thx, this is important, to have integrity, to do everything with excellence!

About Alecia D.

Brooklyn, NY, United States
I am a Successful Lifestyle Consultant studying such philosophies as The Law of Attraction, Zen habits, and the Principles of Meditation and have been featured on,, and Ezine Articles as an expert author. I am interested in success- being successful and helping others be successful!