What's the single most important tip that separates successful people from unsuccessful ones? It's not money, not luck, and no- it's not even education. The number one factor that allows some people to thrive and flourish in everything they put their hands on is something known as speed of implementation.
This may be a new concept for some of you, so I will explain.
We all have listened to or read some sort of motivational presentation at one point or another in our lives. Whether we went to a church service and heard it from a preacher, or had to sit through one at a family member's graduation ceremony, or maybe even in a one on one session with one of our closest friends about a new age book we just read. No matter the setting, there has been a time when someone has provided us with advice on how we can improve our current situation. What exactly did you do with that advice?
There are two types of people in this world. Those who think and those who do. Succesful people are doers. Yes, they think things through, but the majority of their time is spent doing. When they hear something that sparks a fire within them, they do. When they come up with a new business idea, they do. The list goes on and on. They don't wait until two years or even two months down the road before they get started. They have discovered that there is something to be said about using speed of implementation to their benefit.
So what type of person will you be? There's an idea in your head that you've been sitting on for a while now. Or is it that you're ready to take that next step and enroll in school to continue your education. Whatever it is, what are you waiting for? Will you sit there and continue to think about it? Or will you do it? I challenge you to start doing what you have to do right NOW. Don't sit on your idea for another moment.
What steps will you take to make your dream a reality today? Share it with the YBR family in the comments section.
To Your Success,
Alecia D.
A Month of Reflection
2 months ago
It is very tru that most ppl ( I) sit on ideas and never put them into effect.. i know my biggest issue is fear.. fear that i may fail and lose it all. I have alwayas had this fear, and i am not sure how to over come it. I have to be a doer and not a thinker.... i know i have to get my life to where i want it, and sitting back and chilling will not get me there..
good article and it is so true....
a lot of ppl want success , want money but don't take the necessary actions to accomplish their goals
Yeah if you want to do something just do it. But what about those people who always have an idea and always implement, that is overwhelming in itself.
Just do what you need to do in order to be successful. Don't be one of those people who let their dreams pass them by.
Thanks Alecia, I needed to read this. I guess I will stop calling myself Mrs. Technical Don't Know How and start pushing myself to learn the technicalities that intimidate me.
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