I am an avid believer of the principles of the Law of Allocation and wanted to know your thoughts on the matter with regards to relationships.
Check out this letter and response from Law of Attraction and Relationship expert Terry MacDonald from www.marrysmart.com
Dear Terry:
Thanks for your recent articles about ultimatums and commitment.I have a special situation. I'm almost 30 and have been with aguy I'm crazy about for 2 1/2 years. We spend most of our freetime together, our families like each other, etc.
My problem is, he says he's not ready to get married. He's 32,has a good job, nice apartment, and so on. His refusal to move our relationship to the next level can be embarrassing.We went to his cousin's wedding last year, and one of his othercousins blurted out (while taking a photo), "And there's S (me),still trying to get a ring out of J (my boyfriend)"
I was humiliated beyond belief.
My boyfriend's mother loves me, has shown me jewelry she'llpass on to me one day. She says she knows her boy, and that I should be patient. She knows he'll come around
But I'm tired of waiting. And next year, we'll be going to three weddings, my cousin's, his friendfrom college, and --worst of all--his younger sister's.
Everytime I think of going to his sister's wedding and beinglooked over by his relatives, I want to cry. She didn'task me to be a bridesmaid, so I won't even be in the family photos even though
I've been on vacation with thefamily, and I've spent every Christmas and Easter with them.
Believe it or not, I am intelligent and have a job I love.
Any advice?
Dear S.-
First off, I can tell that you're intelligent by the wayyou've described the situation. Second, thank goodness youhave a job you love because it's actually going to help you here.
Right now, I imagine you're walking around with a painin your chest and stomach, especially when you think aboutyour boyfriend's sister's wedding. You might feel that your future-- YOUR LIFE--is in the hands of another personwho is unwilling to give you what you want.
You feel bad, so I'm going to ask you: What would make you feel good?
-Feeling in control?
-Feeling at peace?
-Feeling loved by a man who is free and ready to love you without excuses or limitations?
How would that feel? How would it feel in your chest in stomach? Warm? Light? Cheerful?
Please write down the emotions you'd feel if you were inthis new situation. Imagine the arms of a man (a generic man, not your current man) you love around your waist. "Feel" yourself dancing with him.
I'm going to ask you to bring this scene to lifein your imagination before you get out of bed in the morning and after you put your head on the pillow at night. THIS IS IMPORTANT.
You are employing the law of attraction here, andit's powerful. The goal is to attract a man wholoves you, whom you love, and is clear about hisdesire for a lasting relationship. (Whether this man will turn out to be your current boyfriend remains to be seen.)
Now, as far as your boyfriend's family is concerned, ifyou've expressed any frustration over the fact that he'snot ready to get married, this is the time to stop. If anybody else brings it up, casually change the subject. It's great that his mother likes you so much, but shesays you should "be patient." Here's the truth, though:She's afraid you'll move on and her her son will lose you.But in the end, whether he gets married is his decision, not hers. And whether you stick around is YOUR decision.(There's no law that says that because you have developed a relationship with a guy's family that you have to hang around until he's good and ready to put a ring on your finger.)You do have a job you love, so I strongly suggest that youdirect your attention there, to the job itself and to the people you've met through it. Make a promotion your goal. Work a couple of extra hours whenyou can. Go out with your work friends for dinner or drinks.Make yourself more available for your job and LESS available your boyfriend.The key here is NOT TO BE SPITEFUL about it. Just go aboutyour business. Be open to new experiences and opportunities.Your current boyfriend may indeed be the man for you, orhe may not. But you do need to stop insisting that he is because it's making you terribly unhappy.It is certainly not in your best interests. If you go to the current guy's sister's wedding and somebody makes an ignorant comment about you "trying to get a ring out of" your boyfriend, smile nicely and say, "I'm happy for [the sister], but neither of us wants to get married yet."Which would be true. (Because why would you want to marrysome guy you have to talk into marrying you?)Keep visualizing, "feeling" that loving situation with a manwho can't help but love you. THAT MAN WILL EVENUTALLY SHOW UP. Again, whether he is the man you're dating now remains to be seen.This is one of the techniques that helped me attract the loyal,loving, reliable, successful, fun man who makes me laugh after 16 years of marriage (and two children).For more info, go to:http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=BzdcO&m=1gf_3YzOCnoDub&b=JcX8.O0LNIUTn5lQrMOibA
So what do you think? Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? Can you simply "think" a good man into your life?
-Alecia D
A Month of Reflection
2 months ago
I believe this not only with relationships but with everything in life, but I must say its easier said than done, because sometimes when your mind is trained a certain way to try to always think positive and practice the laws of attraction it does take time. But i'm definitely a firm believer of it. Great post!
Thanks Yani.
I really try to practice the law of attraction in all areas of life, but like you said- sometimes it's easier said than done.
I'm making more deliberate efforts to change my thinking though, the trick is to keep focusing on it until it becomes a habit and is so easy for you to do.
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