So- I'm on week three of my latest fitness crunch: Operation Dominican Republic (8 weeks and counting) and I realized that I'm taking things much more seriously this time around and haven't cheated or been tempted to cheat as much as I have in the past. What makes this time different from all the others? I'm approaching it the way I approach my business! After all, isn't it all the same- I'm now in the business of losing weight...
Here are the parallels I've come up with in regards to weight loss and success:
I. If you don't sweat, cry, or have a breakdown- you're not doing much.
I don't know about you, but as a person whose tried most diets out there --for at least a few hours at a time :( I can tell you that the ones that make me crave fried chicken until the tears come and include the work out plans that leave every bone and muscle in my body aching are the ones that have given me the best results. The same can be said about the quest for success. No matter the level of success you are striving to achieve, none comes without its share of trials and tribulations. Believe me, if becoming successful was easy- then everyone would be. Be willing to try situations that you aren't used to and that may even feel a bit uncomfortable. Taking risks is an essential part of growth.
II. If you're not consistent, you won't get anywhere. How many people do you know that lose 5 lbs after two hard weeks of working out and paying attention to what they eat, only to gain it all back again after one wreckless weekend filled with a Sunday Brunch filled with piles of syrup-y pancakes, one too many margaritas at girls night out, and late night Papa John's? I know at least one individual personally ;) Just as you can't expect to see lasting results if you treat your health like a yo-yo and teeter back and forth on the health spectrum, don't expect to see any results in the growth of your business either. In order to achieve the highest heights of success, you must pay your dues consistently. You're either all in or all out. There's really no room for half stepping.
III. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. Cliche, I know- but oh, so true. Have you ever been on a diet for all of 5 hours. You were so serious about your efforts when you started your day, but when lunch rolled around, you got flustered and grabbed the burger and fries combo that seemed to be calling your name? Next time, be sure to be prepared. Would you start a new business venture without writing up a business outline? Even if you don't put together an all out business plan, you should still jot down your purpose, vision, and three action steps at the very least. The road to success, like any other journey you take, will be much more challenging if you don't have a map. Preparation is key.
What I've learned is that deciding to become a more healthy and fit person, should be approached in the same manner as deciding to become a more successful person. If you decide that you are serious about either one of these goals, you should do your research, plan to work hard, and stay focused and motivated. If you can succeed at one, you should defintely be able to succeed at the other.
A Month of Reflection
2 months ago
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